Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
We are at the forefront of working with policymakers, business leaders, and development planners better understand and unlock the potential benefits of this high-standard free trade agreement. Our team provides topline support to key decision-makers in the form of research consultancy, strategic advisory, programming and implementation, and capacity building to help them navigate the technical aspects, regulatory compliance requirements, market access opportunities, and the broader implications of the CPTPP.
We also lead in facilitating customized dialogues and engagement efforts to better understand and effectively respond to the wider challenges and spillover effects of the trade deal to non-parties and potential applicants. Browse our wide selection of publications below.
Get up to speed on what CPTPP means for your business or how your country can better position itself in one of the world’s most comprehensive trade deals. Reach out to us today.
Ten Benefits of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), March 2018, in conjunction with UPS.
The TPP11: The Global Implications For Business. Prepare Your Business: TPP11 Is Coming, January 2018.
The Implications of TPP for Fresh and Frozen Food, in conjunction with Food Industry Asia (FIA), 2017.
The Implications of TPP for Processed Food, in conjunction with Food Industry Asia (FIA), 2017.
Market Access for Goods in the TPP11, in conjunction with APL Logistics, May 2017.
Digital Trade and the TPP: How Asia-Pacific Benefits, August 2016.
Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 20-01: Joining the CPTPP: Prospects for Thailand, March 2020.
Policy Brief 20-01A: Case Study: Exporting Rubber Gloves Under CPTPP for Thailand, March 2020.
Policy Brief 18-07: Creating a CPTPP Secretariat, October 2018.
Policy Brief 17-11a, TPP11: Unpacking the Suspended Provisions (Amended), March 2018.
Policy Brief 17-12, TPP11 and RCEP: A Side-by-Side Comparison, November 2017.
Policy Brief 17-11, TPP11: Unpacking the Suspended Provisions, November 2017.
How an FTA Like TPP Can Transform A Value Chain: The Ketchup Example, June 2016.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Impact on Supply Chains.
Papers and Book chapters
Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership: Policy Innovations and Impacts, April 2019, Bertelsmann Stiftung.
Market Access for Goods in the TPP: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, a chapter in "Paradigm Shift in International Economic Law Rule-Making: TPP as a New Model for Trade Agreements?, November 2017. Publisher: Springer.
TPP Rules of Digital Trade in Asia, ADBI Working Paper, June 2017, Deborah Elms and Minh Hue Nguyen.
Market Access Benefits for a TPP with 11 Participants, Working Paper. January 2017.
Working Paper: TPP Rules for Digital Trade in Asia, November 2016, presented at "Trade in the Digital Economy" Conference in Bangkok on November 28-29, to be published by end of 2017.
Initial Impressions: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), November 2015.
Origins and Evolution of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Negotiations Working Paper, January 2015.
OTHER Publications
The TPP as a Pathway to Asian Integration, 2014 Korea Dialogue on Strengthening North Pacific Cooperation, East-West Center, Hawaii, by Deborah Elms, July 25, 2014
TPP: ¿qué tiene de siglo XXI? by Deborah Elms. 2014. In Puentes, Volume 15, Number 6: Acuerdos megarregionales: gigantes en la cancha. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development. English version available here.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Looking Ahead to Next Steps, by Deborah Elms. 2014. In the book New Directions in Asia-Pacific Economic Integration, by Ambassador Tang Guoqiang and Peter A. Petri (Editors).
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Negotiations: Some Outstanding Issues for the Final Stretch, by Deborah Elms. 2013.
Agriculture and the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, by Deborah Elms. 2013.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: The Challenges of Unraveling the Noodle Bowl, by Deborah Elms. 2013.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, by C. L. Lim (Author), Deborah Elms (Editor), Patrick Low (Editor). 2012.