
Shifting Supply Chains in Disruption

Shifting Supply Chains in Disruption

The extreme level of disruption appears to have caused firms to finally think seriously about their existing supply chain footprints. Companies in multiple sectors have now vowed to develop more resilient chains. In many cases, firms have supply chains that have evolved organically, with little coherent planning. Staff, to pick one example, often run disparate parts of global firms from locations that may not make sense if viewed from the perspective of today. Companies might have an office in one location that was originally set up because a key staff member liked the area, only to watch it evolve into a much larger operation than ever anticipated at the outset. Companies typically do not design supply chains from scratch, but bolt on different parts over time, as the firm grows or acquires new companies or moves into new sectors. The net result is often supply chain footprints that actually make little rational sense. Warehouses might be located in places that no longer have the transport links originally intended. Traffic, as an example, could be so heavy that goods are stuck in transit much longer than planned. With so many staff locked down in houses or slowly venturing back to offices, it makes sense to seize the opportunity to re-examine supply chains and determine whether and how the existing footprint can be adjusted to cope with new stresses.